Find the link to May's Faith Formation L!VE
one hour before the gathering:
Join Zoom Meeting
one hour before the gathering:
Join Zoom Meeting
Click the button to print off this month's activity page:
Here's an invitation you can share with others:
Family Cook Book
The November Family Cook Book project is now posted on the November Main Course Page.
The November Family Cook Book project is now posted on the November Main Course Page.
Welcome to the next chapter of Parish Intergenerational Faith Formation at Ss. John and Paul. After 17 years, we recognize that it's time to re-imagine intergenerational faith formation for the next generation. Our parish hall construction project and the pandemic have underscored the need to provide formation that is household-based, flexible, takes advantage of new technologies, and fits the shifting dynamics of our current situation. In the months ahead, family situations will fluctuate and change, and our plan for faith formation will flex with you. It is engaging, interactive, adaptive, and achievable for our households.
So how does it work? Step 1 -- watch for an invitation the Thursday before the L!VE gathering and follow the instructions to prepare and participate Step 2 -- participate in the L!VE gatherings online from 6-6:45 pm on either Sunday or Wednesday OR watch the recording of one of the gatherings. Step 3 -- go to Kitchen Table Faith and select your menu items for the month:
For the parish faith formation calendar click here. Credit for Logo Clipart: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/1387388.htm
Watch this video about how to navigate the website and how each part contributes to faith formation.
Thank you to Braden Wipperman and Nik Charikov for sharing your music talents with us and composing original music for our use on videos.