Save room for dessert! Let's have some fun with our meal... choose as many activities as you like to round out your household's faith adventure this month.
Lent Resources
saint of the Month
our catholic traditions
The Papacy
The pope is the leader of the Catholic Church, which is a worldwide Church. Jesus made St. Peter the first leader of the Church (Matthew 16:18), and so we trace the origins of the office of the pope back to him. We say that this is an unbroken chain of succession, or leaders, from the time of Jesus until now. It is such an important part of our Catholic faith that the papacy has its own special day -- the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter.
The pope is the leader of the Catholic Church, which is a worldwide Church. Jesus made St. Peter the first leader of the Church (Matthew 16:18), and so we trace the origins of the office of the pope back to him. We say that this is an unbroken chain of succession, or leaders, from the time of Jesus until now. It is such an important part of our Catholic faith that the papacy has its own special day -- the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter.
For a child-friendly explanation of the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, read the story here.
For Families : Confusing to many, this feast is less about an ancient piece of furniture than it is about the office of the pope and his role as a sign of unity and peace.
Pope Francis
Pope Francis is currently the pope, the leader of the universal Church. He is the 266th pope in the Catholic Church's 2,000-plus years. Find out more about him below.
Pope Francis is currently the pope, the leader of the universal Church. He is the 266th pope in the Catholic Church's 2,000-plus years. Find out more about him below.
liturgical year connections
What is Lent and why do we do celebrate it?
faith in action
During the season of Lent, we are called to pray, fast, and give alms. The dictionary definition of alms is "money or food given to poor people." Part of our observance of Lent is to be extra attentive to the needs of the world, particularly the world's poor.
CRS Rice Bowl is a long-standing program, sponsored by Catholic Relief Services, that helps us to live out our Lenten call to help the poor. Pick up a rice bowl and calendar at church, or click here to find the calendar. The link below gives more information and ideas for observing Lent in our households.
During the season of Lent, we are called to pray, fast, and give alms. The dictionary definition of alms is "money or food given to poor people." Part of our observance of Lent is to be extra attentive to the needs of the world, particularly the world's poor.
CRS Rice Bowl is a long-standing program, sponsored by Catholic Relief Services, that helps us to live out our Lenten call to help the poor. Pick up a rice bowl and calendar at church, or click here to find the calendar. The link below gives more information and ideas for observing Lent in our households.
for fun
Meatless Lenten Recipes
Here is a great list of meatless recipes you can try this Lent. |